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Bespoke-Solutions is also a sub-category for other projects that might be outside our usual scope of work.

Here are some examples:

What’s bespoke about our solutions?


Gerlag-Artisans is not your average contractor, every project is conceptualised, engineered & executed by by Matthew Gerlag the founder & owner of the brand, the vision & ethos you see behind the creation of the brand is carried through into the work that we do. Every project is handled meticulously & we strive to achieve the highest standards of customer service & satisfaction.


No two projects are exactly alike, all have varying parameters & constraints or even special requests from the client that may alter the product choice, require custom creations or even adapt the method of execution to meet all parameters.

Bespoke Solutions

Custom made high-strength low-profile roof racks for the latest additions to the D. Gerlag & Sons fleet:


There are two variations of this project which from afar may look identical. The 2023 Hilux Single-Cab with the black canopy is the second & latest version of this concept & is executed to a much greater standard than the original version found on the 2022 Hilux Single-Cab with the white canopy, the first version is strong & functional however, being the “prototype” & never having done anything like this in-house before we were learning as we were building it, all the learning from the first one helped make the second version into something we are happy to put our name behind. 


All aspects of the design, layout, fitment & features including project management was done by Matthew Gerlag.

Bending of specific components to our specification was outsourced to a professional firm. 

All welding was done by an individual welder who worked in-house, on-site throughout the project. 

Powder-Coating was outsourced to a specialised firm.

(More detailed information on these projects will be written in dedicated articles on our articles page in the future.)

Custom pole for Ubiquiti UniFi Protect AI 360 camera.


We designed & created a custom double goose-neck pole with a top hat enclosure designed specifically to accommodate Ubiquiti’s AI 360 camera in a sturdy low-profile design with a textured powder-coated finish.


All aspects of the design, layout, fitment & features including project management was done by Matthew Gerlag.

Bending of specific components to our specification was outsourced to a professional firm. 

Component cutting, drilling & modification of individual sections was done in-house by Matthew Gerlag.

All welding of individual components was outsourced to a specialised firm & done according to our fitment specification.

Powder-Coating was outsourced to a specialised firm.

(More detailed information on these projects will be written in dedicated articles on our articles page in the future.)

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D. Gerlag & Sons

Roofoloigists · Est 1956


Network · Wi-Fi · CCTV




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